Helsinki -2024

Szept 15

8. nap

I had a feeling that today will be hectic and I do have to say that my intuition was right. Starting with the fact that we needed to wake up at around 2:15 to catch our cab which took us to the airport. The early waking left the whole group incredibly exhausted and tired so it was the absolute best to just doze off in the cab....

Szept 14

7. nap

Heute ist unser letzter, ganzer Tag hier in Finnland. Wir alle haben unsere Zeit hier sehr genossen und sind deshalb auch traurig, dass wir schon so früh wieder Heim fliegen. Aber aus diesem Grund werden wir das Allerbeste aus unserem letzten Tag machen.

Szept 13

6. nap

On Friday, we set off for the Finnish-Russian school in the rain. Although we arrived somewhat wet, we were excited. Once again we were welcomed with great warmth. Last time, the Finnish students introduced Finland and their school to us, now it was our turn. The presentation was followed by a fun Kahoot quiz, in which all the Russian-learning...

Szept 12

5. nap

Thursday was one of my favorite days of the 1 week long vacation. We woke up, like almost everyday, around 7 a.m. got ready and went downstairs to eat some breakfast. Luckily the accommodation had a pretty good variety of cold cuts, cheeses, vegetables and various hot dishes as well. After breakfast we still had time, to get ready for...

Szept 11

4. nap

Unser Morgen begann bequem und langsam. Wir mussten um 7:30 zum Frühstück bereit sein. Was bedeutete, dass wir ungefähr um 7 Uhr aufgestanden sind. Zum Frühstück gab es das gleiche wie gestern: etwas Obst, Gemüse, Brötchen, Haferbrei, Cornflakes und natürlich Kaffee und Tee. Nach dem Frühstück hatten alle noch etwas Zeit bis 8:30 sich...

Szept 10

3. nap

Our morning started pretty ordinary, due to the fact that the previous day we had walked a lot and became tired out. Knowing that we were allowed to sleep an extra hour longer truly made me happy and in all honesty, my roommate needed to get me out of bed to start our day.

Szept 09

2. nap

В понедельник мы проснулись с первыми лучами солнца в 6 утра. На завтрак мы съели вчерашнюю пиццу, и отправились в порт, где нас встретили финнские ученики. На паром за приключениями в Таллин. Когда мы увидели, на чем мы поедем в столицу Эстонии, у нас был шок. Многие даже достали свои камеры, и начали снимать этот огромный водный транспорт. Это...

Szept 08

1. nap

The first day of our Erasmus school holiday to Helsinki, Finland started just like any other day for me. I woke up early, went to the shower, got dressed and sat in the car with my mom, who took me to the Budapest Liszt Ferenc airport. When we arrived there she had to come into the terminal, because the parents...