2. nap


5th of November, the 2nd day of our Belgian journey. We had to meet at the Waregem train station at 9 am. We had a transfer at the City of Genth to get to Bruges.

The group, except Hanna whose family decided to bring her to Paris not to Burges, visited the wonderful city of Bruges, which is well known for its touristic sights such as the Belfort Clock Tower, the famous city building architectures and waffle and coffee houses.

At first, we took a stroll down to the old city district and then we went around in the city centre. After this walk everybody had free time to walk and see around the small historical streets of Bruges. We were all divided into small groups, and everybody got the chance to visit what she/he wanted.

My small group of Belgian and Hungarian exchange students first went to a Coffee house to taste the original hot chocolate. At this serene place the service was in a super fancy way, because we got a wooden stick covered with Belgian chocolate, we had to put it into the hot and delicious milk cream and mix it together. After this one-of-a-kind experience, we headed into one of the local candy shops where we were able to see how the yummies were made. Spending a couple of minutes here we went to a waffle house where I tasted the famous Liegé waffle. Also I learned that there are 2 types of waffles, the Brussels and the Liegé.

At 4 pm we headed back to the Bruges train station, took the train to Genth where we saw countless number of bicycles at the train station. Our train experience was the same that we can experience with MÁV, the train was stopped for 30 minutes in the middle of nowhere. Around 6 pm we finally arrived at our little town, Waregem, where all of us went to a custom family time. With this activity our day finally ended. Personally, I think it was the best day of our stay.