3. nap


Firstly, we arrived to the local high school of Lapperanta. Then one of the teachers did a presentation for us about the school system here and then we were separated into little groups and the students, who were speaking russian, showed us the classrooms and the whole school and also we talked about how their school system is totally different from what our looks like. The high school was equipped with computers and many other things that help the education to be more enjoyable. In addition, how they study it acually looks like how our university studies look like, because they can choose what subjects they want to study.After that, we went to one of the classrooms and the students, who are going to graduate this year, did presentations about Finland in general and then about Budapest and Berlin (where they've been before) . Later, our school spoke about the integration and the problem with the gypsies in our contry and how our school tried to help some villages, where many poor people try to survive everyday. At the afternoon, in little groups we went on a sight-seeing with the locals and after that we headed to a little restaurant at the town, where we could eat mostly Italian food

Wächter Lotti