4. nap
Our day began by waking up at 6:50am and getting ready to start fresh and begin our work. The routine that morning was a bit different because instead of Lore's, my exchange student's, mom driving us to school, one of her friend's mom drove us there. When we arrived at the school we had a bit of time to talk to other people about how their night was. But it didn't last long until we all had to gather and listen to the teacher who gave out the tasks and get to work.
Our task was to create and compose a site from materials that have been sent to us by fellow students. The site had to be educational and intriguing about the effects that the textile industry has on our environment, based on the UN's 17 sustainable development goals. We worked on it until lunch. After lunch we hopped on a bus and traveled all the way to Ghent where the interactive city game was introduced to us. We had to answer questions on a quiz on Socrative while visiting the sights and learning about them. The city itself was beautiful and we thoroughly enjoyed sightseeing. We ate at a special pasta restaurant and talked at the end of the day.