4. nap


I think we all can agree that this day was the best. First, we had to meet at the station, and then we went to the MakerSpace again. We printed and designed the exhibition. This activity was really fun, and everybody had to work together and cooperate which was one of the most important aims of the whole Erasmus. Then we also had the opportunity to go to the centre and eat lunch, or our packed lunch. After it when we got back, the groups from all of the countries were sitting in a circle and we discussed the week, the benefits, the good parts and even that what we should focus on next time. Then the mayor gave us a speech and opened the exhibition. A lot of people came, even some of the parents and family members. When we finished with it, we could go home to chill a bit. When we left the house, we went to a community house with most of the students, it was really fun, but the best part had just started after it. We went to another community house where we had a lot of delicious meals made buy the parents. They also made us good games such us a cocktail making competition, just dance, and that game when we had to walk around chairs and when the music stopped, we had to sit down, but in every round, there were less and less chairs. There was also a photo machine where we could make funny and lovely photos together with our partners and new friends. We were having a lot of fun and that was the moment when everybody realised that that was it, that was the end of the Erasmus programme. Everything seemed so perfect, everybody was laughing with their fresh made friends and nobody was alone. Then we started to say goodbye and tried to make plans in the future together. In some cases, we knew that we probably won't meet ever again but there were also cases when we were talking about our next year's Erasmus together, but everything was possible. We went home knowing that we already had our final goodbye and that the next morning we will leave. We looked around happy, but deep down we knew that we have just got to know everyone, and now we have to leave. In my case me and my partner couldn't accept this fact and we talked, laughed and got to know each other deeper all night long.

Szép-Kis Szilvia